Wishes in Action!

Bosse HS goes to Snickedoddles

These are the kind letters from a class that wished to say “Thank You” for funding their wish for new therapy balls and a trampoline.
Below are their letters typed out in their exact words.
thank you four the new trampoline and the tent. We love our new balls to sit on.
Thank you for The neW trampoline and the tent. We love our neW balls to sit on.
your Friend,
Thank you for the trampoline it haPe gite the gigose at in for the bose hahe are cole in the tente we rade in it sore that he dede.
Your friend
Thank you for The rampoline it gives are class exrsis. I like it a lot and are teacher to.
your friend,
Thank you for the therapy dalls becomse the balls give us the wiglse and bill us musle.
Thank you for the trampline and the balls and the tent becudse it helps us get the wigolse out.
you’r frenid
Thank you for the new trampoline and the tent. We love our new balls to sit on.
yuor Friend,
Thank you for the ball it help me get my jigle out. thank a ging for the trampoline it get my jigle out more.
your friend
Thank You for the new trampoline and the tent. We love our new bolls to son
Your friend,
Thank you for the new trampoline and the tent. We love our new balls to sit on.
Your Friend,
Thank you for the trampoline because it can help us exersice.
Your, friend,
Thank you for the now trapoline an the tent. We love our new balles to sit on.
yoar Frind,